Handheld power tool safety requirements

Source: Zhejiang Libang Electric Co.,Ltd.Release time: 2022-06-16

1. Hand-held power tools before use, the shell, handle, load, plug, switch, etc. must be intact, before use must do no-load test, after the equipment, safety management department acceptance, to determine compliance with the requirements, issued a permit or acceptance procedures before use. The equipment is hung on the qualified plate.

2. Use? Class hand-held power tools must wear insulating supplies or stand on the insulating mat as required. And ensure that there is a good zero or grounding measures, protection zero line and work zero line separate, protection zero line using more than 1.5mm multi-strand soft copper wire. Installation of leakage protection leakage current is not more than 15mA, the action time is not more than 0.1s.

3. In general places to ensure safety, should be used for Class I tools, and installed with a rated leakage current of not more than 15mA, the action time is not greater than 0.1s leakage protector. Class I tools insulation resistance shall not be less than 7M.

4. Open air, wet places or work on metal structures must use Class II or Class III tools, and equipped with splash-proof leakage protector. The use of class I handheld power tools is strictly prohibited.

5. Narrow places (boilers, metal containers, trenches, pipelines, etc.), it is appropriate to use class III hand-held power tools with isolation transformers. Isolation transformer, leakage protector installed in narrow places outside, should be supervised when working. The load of hand-held power tools should be supervised.

6. Hand-held power tools load must be used weather-resistant rubber-sheathed copper-core flexible cable, and no joints.

7. Power tools in use shall not be arbitrarily swapped plugs, not to mention the plug, and the wire directly into the socket. When the power tool is not used or need to change the working head, should promptly unplug. When inserting the plug, the switch should be in the off position to prevent sudden start.

8. In the process of use to frequently check, such as insulation damage, power cord or cable sheath rupture, grounding wire off, plug socket cracking, poor contact and intermittent operation and other faults, should immediately stop repair. When moving power tools, you must hold the handle of the tool, can not drag the rubber cord to move the tool, and always pay attention to prevent the rubber cord abrasion, cut and broken phenomenon, so as not to cause personal accidents.

9. Long-term shelving of unused power tools, before use must be 500V megohmmeter to determine the insulation resistance value between the winding and the housing, should not be less than 7M?

10. Power tools are not suitable for use in special environments containing flammable, explosive or corrosive gases and humidity, and should be stored in a dry, clean and non-corrosive gas environment. For non-metal cased motors and electrical appliances, contact with solvents such as gasoline should be avoided during storage and use.